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I've seen a ghost

Personally, I believe in ghost and I honestly think that I have seen a ghost before. Call me crazy, but here is my story. Before you read my story please be aware because it might be a night that haunts you.

            I just wake up in a very dark place and I do not know where I am right now. I try to find source of light everywhere because it was pitch-black. Then, I decided to continue walking. The place become darker the more I walk through the way. I try to find any people nearby but it is too quiet and I cannot see anything. Then I started to ask myself, “Where am I right now? Why I cannot remember anything? Why?” But for now, I just have to find the way out from here and seek for help. And now I started to feel terrified. It is like a haunted place that people have been abandoned for decades. This place feel really spooky and I just want to go out from here!

          Out of a sudden, I hit a wall while I was walking. Thus, I quickly determine to find a light switch on the wall .After a couple minutes, I touched something on the wall that shaped like a switch. I turn on the light and I was shocked. That I am in an empty old house and the house’s condition is really sickening me because I see a corpse beside me. He was soaked with blood and the smell make me feel like I want to vomit. The corpse was really mess up. It does not look like a person anymore. The face was smashed, a few stab marks and the right hand and left hand are missing. Suddenly, a rat come out from it and I was shocked and ran as fast as I can from the corpse.

            Then, I found myself in the kitchen. Without thinking, I try to find something to protect myself in case something do happen. While I was rummaging the kitchen, I feel like I was being watched from a ceiling corner of the room. Slowly, I turn my head and watch at the ceiling. There was nothing and I fell relived. Thus , I turn my head back and I was startled by a white figure and a long hair staring right at me. I turn my head back and run away from the place. Oh God, what is that creature? Mom, I need you now. Please Mom. Then I started to cry and screaming as the white figure kept closing in to me with its bloody wrinkle hands.

            Suddenly, I hear someone shout my name. “Nonie! Nonie! Nonie!” Then, that sound become louder and I followed the voice as the figure was dispersing. The voice was very familiar! “Shaz! Is that you? Where are you?!” Then it change to sound of a girl that crying like want some help desperately. “Shaz, don’t play a fool with me. Please Shaz. I’m not joking with you right now. I’m serious right now. Please Shaz. “The sound become louder and louder. I cannot stand it anymore. I quickly try to find the sound. The more I go towards the dark room, the sound become louder. Now, it giggle loudly! “God, what should I do?” I turn back and shock when looking at a creepy face like an old woman in front me. What is that?! I run but both of my feet feel like someone pull I. “Let me go!” I scream loudly and try my best to run from there while struggling myself. Faces appearing within inanimate objects and then disappear. “Go away! Go away! Don’t disturb me. What do you want from me?!”

            I run quickly from that place. I see a shadow of someone in your peripheral vision at the room end but I just ignore it. I keep walking but I feel like someone is following me at behind. I walk faster and try to run from it but a horrible creature appear in front of me and strangles my neck until I cannot breathe. The creature stamping me to the wall repeatedly and make me feel dizzy. Suddenly, I feel like the blood flowing from the head and I fall on the floor. The surrounding become blur but I see the creature is holding a sharp thing and it look like a knife. Then, I feel like being stabbed with the knife and it is hurt. Am I going to die now? I am not ready yet.

           Out of a sudden, I wake up and feel relief that I on my bed. I am happy because I still alive and can see the world today.  It is just a nightmare. The moment I fell like I am the safest person in earth, a ghost with an angry face appeared in front of me.  Luckily it is just my mother with a beauty mask scolding me due to I wet my bed.   

Written by ,
Syazwani Abdul Aziz 

What can I do to make my country a better place live.

            No matter how rich the country or place is , you will still prefer the same old place you are in because of several reasons such as the country is peaceful , their people are kind and the country is beautiful and clean . As Malaysian people, I am very proud of my country. I have to do something to change my country to be a better place to life.

            There are several things that I can do to make my country a better place to live. Firstly, I have to be a responsible person who is sensitive to my surrounding. As we already notice that cleanness level in our country is very bad and poor so I have to take an action to change it with do some activity like ‘gotong royong’ with my family or my neighbours. I also have to train myself to throw a rubbish at the recycle's bins so that I will less the dirtiness in my country .I can train myself to divide the rubbish into three parts such as plastic, paper and glass.


Next, I have to be friendly and tolerate with people that are in different religions and races .It is important to make my country more harmony and peaceful without any arguments and any misunderstanding among the different races. I also have to speak politely, always in good behaviour towards them and do not talk about something that are sensitivity in their religions to avoid any irritated or arguments.

            Moreover , I also have to be more concern to my surrounding . As we already know that crime problems in our country are increasing day by day. So that I have to take an action to prevent it from being increase. I have to report about it to the police when I see a crime case or help people that are in trouble by calling the police or villagers.

            Lastly , I hope that Malaysia will be a better place to live without any people disunity, keep harmony, peaceful, developed and always in clean situation. I love my country no matter what happened and as I am a Malaysian , I have to take some action to change it to be better. I am proud of my country , Malaysia .


How can I improve my English

In this twenty-first century of cutting edge technology , English is used widely and it become a must to all students in this world . It becomes one of the most popular language to communicate between countries . When we cannot speak in English , it is a lack for us . Nowadays ,people communicate all in English and if we do not know what they say then we just lose something that really valuable that we should have . This is why many parents send their children to a lot of tuition centres and private teachers to make them good in English. We must know that it is a benefit to us to be good in English because it easy to us to study or find a job soon . There are many accessible ways to improve English proficiency effectively without any hard ways or spending our money in a large amount .

First and foremost,the first method to improve my English is practice everyday , every time and everywhere . I will make myself a study plan , decide how much time a week I am going to spend studying and stick to it and establish a routine .  Like the old wise saying that goes “Practice makes perfect .“ Without any practice or efforts from myself, it will not work at all . Practice everyday means I have to speak in English with my family , friends and people around me every day. It is simple as many people will correct me if I am saying a wrong word . Then, why not start an online blog and share my writings with the world ? It will make me become more confident because I feel confident to publish what I am sharing to the world. At the same time ,  I can gain  a lots of knowledges .

The next method to improve my English is watching English language DVD’s . Watching television is good too but it is better if I have something that  can I watch over and over again . I can jot down the words I never see before and try to find the meaning of the words and start to use it in my daily life . Furthermore , I can do a debate between me and my friends. We can discuss topics in a group. Each person should choose a viewpoint and debate it within the group. I will make sure I get my point across and learn to listen actively. Active listening will help in the classroom and it will help me get more out of, and contribute more to, group study sessions. I will focus on the person who is talking and take the benefits .

Besides that , if I meet new people , I will make the effort to speak English with them . I will throw all my nervous feeling and make myself confidence . I will communicate with them and use all the new words that I search . Then , I will find a comfortable and peaceful place for quiet study . I just need to search somewhere that I can be focus 100% . Then I will remember all the things I had studied. Bear in mind , a kids’ English Book is a book that always be useful and helpful  to a person that want to start to learn a English subject .So for me , I just keep in my mind that do not feel embarrass with other people . I just want to learn and to be a success person . Everything will make me a successful person , just I have a lots of efforts .

In a nutshell , it does not matter how or what ways you want to improve your English . You just need to have the efforts and be confident with all the ways you do . Make a success plan to be a success person . Try to learn as many as you can because as long as you want it , you will get it .


I want to live in , because


                   I want to live in Korea  because of the interesting places, the weathers and type of people at there. Firstly, I want to talk about the weathers. In Korea , there have four seasons. They are spring, summer, winter and autumn. The seasons that I really like are spring and winter. March, April, and May are the months for spring time. The average temperature is 10 celcious. Cherry blossom  flowers will starting blooming mid-April between the 14th and 16th days. It is usually only bloom for a week and fall to the ground when it rains. After that, other flower will blooming such as Tulips and so on. They are very beautiful and colourful.  Besides, the autumn season is the best time is between mid-October to early November because the leaves change colour.

                Summer time is June until September month. The celcious is 23-27°C . Among the places of interest in the season's hot korea is Gyeongpo Beach in Gangneung City, Naksan Beach in Yangyang and Eurwangni City Beach. It the best places in summer. The summer season is a time for relaxing and having fun. The activities at beach are rafting, flyfish rides, bungee jumping, and wind surfing. The winter time is end November until early march. Activity in winter is sky and playing snowball. The common winter temperatures is 0°C at west and -8  at north. The place to enjoy playing the snow in Korea are Supia Sleeding Snow Field at Gwangjin, Seoul, Korean Folk Village Snow Sledding Field in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do, and also Songdo Amusement Park in Namgu, Incheon.

                 The best place in Korea is Gyeongbokgung. It is a huge and number one palace on Dynasty Joseon. It is a strategic position because Han river at west and north mountains protected. This palace was built in 1395. It also rich with Korean traditional architecture. The architecture still maintain and perpetuated for viewing by Korean people and tourist around the world. After that, I really like Insa-dong  place because it is a place to buy souvenirs or present to your friends and family. The prices also affordable. Besides, who know how to speak in Korean it such an advantage because can bargain the price. The things that they sell are bracelet, chain and colourful clothes. Sometimes, they present their culture to other while tourist and Korean people buy at Insa-dong.

                     South Korea, a country that can be classified among advanced countries in Asia, the friendliness of its people, politeness addressed. It make my heart melts and happy. Moreover, they do the respect bow . Apart from that, if met each other, they will beat  a gesture of respect or smile to each other. If get into store or restaurant they will be celebrating with a welcome greetings. As when buying the vegetable or fruit and say thanks with Korean language they will pull your plastic bag and put more fruits or vegetable in that plastic bag. It make me like this country.

                        Lastly, Korean people very respect the elderly. If someone is walking , they will make sure that they give the way to those who are older . If someone still walking when the elderly at the back, they will reject or push because cannot give the elderly way to walk. This is also the way Korean people give a lesson who cannot respect the elderly. All of these statements are the reasons why I really want to live in Korea.  

- NIK -

Living Among Different Races

    Living among different races. As we all know, Malaysian is a multiracial country. Malaysia has a population of 23.27 million consisting of 61% Malays, 30% Chinese,  8% Indians, and 1% of others ethnic group. Malaysian is a unique country. Why? Because of its diversity races, religions and cultures, the stability of the country and a lot of interest places that tourism can visit. Other than that, our country can live in a peace even we are in different races. There are a lot of benefits that we can get when we are living in different races.

    First and foremost, when we are living among different races, we can gain our knowledge about their religions. We can know how they pray, how they manage someone who had passed away and many more. Different races have different religions but we must spread our religion in order to attract them to be a muslim. So that  we can talk to them about our religion to make them attracted with religion of Islam.

     Besides, diversity of races, religions and cultures is a significant characteristic of our nation. Malaysia is a multiracial country with a rich cultural heritage. Unique to Malaysia is the “Open House” concept where during the various cultural and religious festival such as Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Gawai Day and other friends and family even strangers would visit the house of those who are celebrating the festival to wish them well and enjoy the feast prepared by the hosts. Although the guest come from different races, they can still tolerate with each other siting in the same roof to enjoy the feast. This will helps to strengthen the ties among themselves.

      Furthermore, even Malaysian country lives in the different races, we can still live in peaceful. We live harmoniously in a country where they are no wars and conflicts among different races. War is dreadful and it may deteriorate humans’ life. We are so grateful that our country is safe and runs off the war, so people can live safely and comfortable here. We can live in peaceful here as long as we tolerate each other in order to make our country peaceful without war.

     In a nutshell, Malaysia is a unique that it has diversity races, religion and cultures, a stable and peaceful environment. Living in different races will not stop us to live in peaceful country as long as we can tolerate each other in other to make our country in harmonious. Last but not least, I am very sure that living in different races can give us a lot of benefits. 


One Person that Change My Life

             In this life, everyone makes mistakes but not everyone want to improve themselves to become more better and make some change in their life. Therefor I am very sure that in each person there are someone who make them realize and change their life to become better.

            One person that change my life to be better is my own grandfather. My grandfather name is Zainal Abidin bin Harun. He is 80 years old but not be surprising that in his age he still able to do heavy work. My grandfather live in village at Manong , Kuala Kangsar , Perak  village . He live there almost 60 years alone and raising his children all by himself. Our grandmother have being pass away since my mother still young. He took all the responsibility to take a good care of his four children and raising them to be a good person.

            My grandfather is an army. He work as an army for 20 years.He is independent person. He raising his own children without any help since our grandmother pass away one year before his retire as an army for 20 years. Besides, he also is a hardworking person. He buy a land to make orchard. He also plant many fruit tree such as “rambutan” , “durian” , “langsat” and “pulasan” on his orchard. He makes the orchard useful to him by selling some of the fruits as his income money.

 Next, he also is an ambitious person because he had been said that he plant all this fruit plants because he want his children and his grandchild to taste the fruits by his own plants and this make me think that it is not easy to gain success before we doing some effort and we must attempt to be a successful person.Moreover, he also is a brave person. He always visit his orchard in the night to make sure the orchard in a good condition and to collect the fruits. This shown that he is a brave person.

My grandfather is my idol. He change my life to be a good person. He also make me realize that I have to be a responsible girl like him and this make me carry a responsibility to be a prefect at school. Not only that, he also make me change to be an independent and hardworking girl because when I see his sacrifice his young life for only to raising his children alone without any help, this make me realize that I am young and able to do all the small thing such as tidy my room , wash my clothes and faced with any problem that came to me any helps from my parents. He also change me to be an ambitious person. Before this, I never had an ambition in my life. I never know who or what I want to be until he make me realize that I must to have an ambition in order to success for my life in future. Now my ambition is to be a successful  engineer and I want to make people realize that they should have some progressive in their life .

Lastly I hope my grandfather who is the person who had change my life live happily and get a healthy life. I am thankful to have you as my grandfather . No one can be as good as you. No one can replace you in my life.



Malaysia and Me :)

Malaysia is a peaceful and beautiful country. Malaysia is located at Southern Asia. Malaysia have many ethnics . The most ethnics in Malaysia are Malay, Chinese, and Indian. The official language in Malaysia is Malay. Even Malaysia have many ethnics, they still can live in peaceful and sharing something new that they just found. For an example , they gather at some places and discuss the new information they get. They also give their opinions each other to give Malaysia move forward and be number one. Malaysia have more religions such as Muslim, Buddhist, Hindus, Christians. Malay, Chinese, and Indian respect each other religions. They also always help each other. Example is, if another ethnic between them sick. They just help and be nice. They also willing to stay at hospital and take care the person who are sick.

Malaysia also as a tourism place. They are many tourists from another countries that come to Malaysia just to know about Malaysia more deeply. Such as tourists from United Kingdom, France, Korea and so on. They also look excited when they know about Malaysia history places. They also want to know the storys behind the places that they visits. The place that attract many tourist  in Malaysia are Melaka, Pulau Pinang and Kuala Lumpur. Melaka has a place called Kota A Famosa. The meaning of Kota A Famosa is well knows in Portugis language. The function of Kota A Famosa is a defensive wall. It is the oldest European architecture in Asia. Next, the historical place at Kuala Lumpur. Sultan Abdul Samad is a great historical heritase. It was built in 1894. In front of the building, many events occurred such as drop the “Union Jack” flag and replaced with “Jalur Gemilang” flag on the nation’s independence day on 31 August 1957.

                                 (Kota A Famosa)

(Sultan Abdul Samad's building)

The unofficial national dish of Malaysia is “nasi lemak”. The dish is cucumber slices. small dry anchovies, roast peanuts, hard boil egg, and hot spicy sauce that called “sambal”. It very delicious to eat early in the morning. Besides “satay” is a dish consisting of meat. The meat that they use is goat, chicken, beef and so on. The satay is grilled over a charcoal fire, then serve with various spicy seasonings. Some people like their seasoning spicy. Some people does not like so, it depends on person. If the person doesn’t like to eat spicy they just do original seasonings. The fruit that famous in Malaysia is “Durian”. It also known as the “King Of Fruits”. The colour of “Durian” is yellow. It very delicious to eat even have unique odour. The skin is rough and full with thorn. That all delicious and famous food in Malaysia that always make me happy and have a big smile when I eat.

Malaysia active in sports. The sports that active in Malaysia are badminton, bowling, football, squash and so on. Malaysia has host several major sport events. The history sport that can make me proud be in Malaysia is badminton. Badminton team have won silver medals and 2 bronze medals in Olympics. Lee Chong Wei is a person that always make sport in badminton move forward. Furthermore, football also famous in Malaysia and  make people interested with them. The football team get champion in 2010 AFF Suzuki Cup. Starting that they get the national title. The football team officially name is Malaysia National Football Team. They always win when they have a competition between countries.

Lastly, I’m proud to be Malaysian. I love to live in Malaysia because it has diversity of races, religions and cultures, a stable and peaceful environment such Pulau Redang, Pulau Tioman at Kuala Terengganu. It very wonderful places and can make me enjoy the environment happily. Malaysia also get more internal achievements. Those are importal characteristic of our nation. It is rich of cultural heritage . All of this make me very love towards Malaysia. 
- NIK -